10 new coaches in the program “Safe space”

Team “Safe space” expands!

It was replenished this month 10 new trainers of the program, who were trained in Center of mental health of NaUKMA.

Training of trainers of the program provided:
– development of training skills for school psychologists and teachers;
– mastering the skills of supervisory work in a team.

We are glad, what a team “Safe space” is replenished by excellent specialists!

Further, the project plans to train practical psychologists in crisis intervention 20 schools of Kyiv. Upon completion of training, specialists will implement the program in their schools. We also plan to conduct training for 200 selected teachers 20 schools of Kyiv. Teachers will learn how to create emotionally safe classrooms, recognize trauma and refer children to practical psychologists.

The project "Complex psychosocial support of teachers and training of crisis interveners for Kyiv schools during the war" is implemented by the NGO “Words help” and specialists of the Mental Health Center of the National Academy of Medical Sciences with the financial support of Plan International. The project is implemented in cooperation with the Department of Education and Science of Kyiv.


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