Interaction of different types of organizations regarding crisis management and suicide prevention (research)

A study of the network interaction of organizations of various types and spheres of activity of the Irpin and Pokrov communities was conducted, representatives of which took part in the training program of the project on crisis management and suicide prevention within the framework of the project "UKR-18/0016 Cooperation in the field of health care with Ukraine" of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" together with the Regional Center for Combating Violence, trauma and suicide (RVTS East) and Akershus University Clinic (Ahus) (Norway) in 2020-2021 years.

A mixed method approach to data collection allowed us to obtain useful data to describe the existing social ties in the communities and to identify key differences in the two communities under study, which can be used in the development of future programs. Communities with established PZPSP centers (Pokrovsk) demonstrated better community cohesion, which can play an important role in the implementation of mental health programs and emergency response. Education sector and cooperation practices, which are used by educational organizations, can be a good example for other sectors, who want to strengthen their ties in the community. These organizations are perceived as more active and more connected, than others. The lack of contacts and basic information about the main actors in the community is the main barrier in the development of a cohesive community. The non-governmental sector has the potential to strengthen ties with community organizations, but must overcome certain barriers, such as distrust of the integrity and professionalism of NGOs, passivity, lack of knowledge about other organizations and their activities, lack of funding and political influence. This requires more assistance and capacity building, to balance the existing lack of resources and political influence compared to the public sector.

According to the results of the study, participation in the training programs of the project on suicide prevention and crisis management strengthened cooperation in the communities of Pokrovsk and Irpen. Representatives of first responder organizations had the opportunity to gain new knowledge on initial response in crises and establish cooperation among themselves. The training contributed to the strengthening of emergency response at the community level and the involvement of organizations from various sectors in emergency response activities.

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