Risk factors and alarming signs of suicide?

Modern specialists in the field of suicidology study and develop effective ways to prevent suicides. And now in many countries (example, in Norway, of Japan, the Netherlands, etc.) a gatekeeping system is being implemented, which looks like a network way of spreading knowledge about suicides and ways to include carriers of this information (gatekeepers) in the process of individual assistance to people with suicidal thoughts and intentions.


Word "gatekeeper" is translated as "gatekeeper" (from Englishgate - gate andkeeper – he, who protects), or a person, which decides, what/who exactly will pass through a certain gate. The term "gatekeeper" was introduced by Kurt Levin to describe and explain the movement of information in the process of forming news content on its way to the audience. Such information is subject to screening and structuring, which is carried out at various stages of its movement by certain people - gatekeepers, which, turns out, in the end and determine, what exactly consumers will hear/read in the news. So, initially, the theory of gatekeeping concerned the field of journalism. Now it is an interdisciplinary theory and combines knowledge of communication, information technologies and management.

The main questions about gatekeeping are these questions, WHO can be a "goalkeeper", WHAT or WHO passes through the "gate" and how they interact.


Gatekeeper in the online suicide prevention system, it is a person, which:

– does not necessarily have a psychological education, but she has the necessary knowledge about suicide,

– knows how to recognize in his environment (at the place of work, place of residence and/or in the circle of direct communication) people with signs of suicidal behavior,

– has the skills to conduct a conversation with such people: can assess risk, provide psychological support, prevent further risky actions and provide information about resources and support services, to which you can refer.

therefore, a gatekeeper is an assistant, who provides psychological first aid to a person in a suicidal crisis.

Importantly, so that a person, who is training as a gatekeeper, had an internal readiness to interact with people, who have suicidal thoughts and intentions, I felt confident, openly talking about suicide, and had self-help resources and self-care skills.

There are many studies, held in different countries, which testify, that gatekeeping is indeed an effective approach to suicide prevention in communities, organizations, educational institutions, where people often meet, communicate, and therefore are able to notice changes in each other's behavior and intervene, if there are grounds for it.

Chernobrovkina Faith

who have mental health problems
"Promoting resilience
"Promoting resilience

The project "Promoting the Viability of Communities in Ukraine" is implemented within the program of cooperation between the governments of Norway and Ukraine in the field of health "Health Colaboration with Ukraine".


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