The "Suicide Prevention" course was created by specialists of the Akershus University Clinic in cooperation with the Center for Mental Health of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Anyone can take the course, who is interested in helping people, who are thinking about suicide or planning it.
The content of the course includes several modules, which cover:
- key concepts, related to the topic of suicide;
- myths and facts about self-tastes;
- suicide risk factors, protective factors and warning signs, that signal suicidal behavior;
- specific practical recommendations for building a conversation with a person, in the behavior of which there are warning signs;
- case studies, during the consideration of which you can think about the practical application of the recommendations;
- question, related to mastering the experiences of the helpers themselves and self-help.
The course is structured as follows, that each user can familiarize himself with its content and process it. The duration of simple viewing of the course - 50 minutes. But each user can spend so much time on a complete familiarization with the course material, as much as necessary, because it is possible to repeat all modules, arbitrarily choosing the order of passing different fragments of the course.
You will see and hear all the instructions at the beginning of the course.