Preparation of teachers for the development of vitality in children in educational institutions (2024)

Educational and methodological manual on issues of sustainability development / stress resistance in children, main manifestations of stress in children and adults, creating a safe environment in the classroom, psychological support of teachers is intended for use in the educational process of the system of postgraduate education of pedagogical personnel, higher pedagogical educational institutions. The materials of the manual contain a scientific and theoretical part and 17 educational topics, where theoretical approaches to strengthening resilience in children are revealed, actual problems, faced by the teacher and children in modern institutions of general secondary education. The practical part of the manual contains the following recommendations, as "Complex of actions of the participants of the educational process regarding prevention, detection and response to bullying", "Protocol of assistance to children and adolescents, who have suicidal behavior", "Algorithm for redirecting a child to a specialist of the psychological service of an educational institution". The manual can be used at teacher training courses in the post-graduate teacher education system, for the training of students of pedagogical universities and the general pedagogical community.


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