IN 21 For centuries, progressive companies have relied on the mental health of their employees. More and more corporations are talking about mental health and encouraging their staff to receive treatment, practicing mindfulness, psychoeducation. In addition, the trend is to build openness in the team, starting from management positions.
Experts say, that open dialogues and exchange of experiences with colleagues create conditions for improving mental well-being and prevention of burnout.
The company calls its system the employee care cycle. First of all, their care program is aimed at prevention and destigmatization. At Microsoft, people at all levels share their personal mental health experiences, on social networks and podcasts.
“We did not ask, as it happened, but many of our leaders
intensified their activities and began to tell their stories, about his personal struggle or experience”
Sonya Kellen,
Senior Director of Global Health and Wellness at Microsoft.
“And this has naturally become common in culture”.
The corporation has developed the application "Microsoft Cares", which offers personal, digital and telephone counseling, as well as support groups and seminars for all employees.
Prior to the pandemic, the company had already offered its employees consulting and support groups. But because of the crisis, associated with covid-19, the company decided, that's not enough, and involved professional athletes and psychologists to improve mental health.
Google has started releasing weekly short training videos on sleep, breath, raising children and avoiding anxiety. In this way, the company improves the viability of its employees.
”Sustainability (resilience) – it's a skill, which can be built, work out and grow ” –
says Google in its digital instructions for employees.
The video was viewed in less than a month 30 000 company employees. in addition, at the time of the pandemic, the company had made Friday an additional day off for its employees, calling it a "day of collective prosperity". Cool, is not it?
The company has launched a 14-day program for the development of resilience and mental well-being for its own 62 000 employees around the world.
Unilever has also developed a culture of appeal and destigmatization in its staff.
The company has developed its own application, which provides information on health status and emergency assistance to employees, when they need it.
This company has created the following conditions, for which not only employees, and their families can seek help, when needed. All family members receive the same resources and programs, thus ensuring the mental well-being in the home of each employee.
The corporation has made Amazen Mindful Practice Room meditation booths in its offices, where employees can rest during the working day. Inside the booth plants in pots, fan, chair and computer, on the screen of which you can watch a soothing video or instructions for meditation.
We want to show, that a culture of caring for your physical and mental health can and should be developed in every organization and company.
The example of global companies proves, that taking care of the mental health of your employees is extremely important, to do their job well and be leaders in their field. After all, from time to time employees experience intense emotions, both positive and negative, which "shakes" their mental state, and those, working for a long time, emotionally burn out.
The team of the NaUKMA Mental Health Center is aware, that such needs exist in Ukrainian companies as well. That's why our experts, together with people team organizations, develop unique effective mental health support systems, focusing on the needs and characteristics of the company.