Psychologists from Kyiv schools are trained in crisis intervention in Warsaw

This week, a group of psychologists from Kyiv schools and the leadership of the Department of Education and Science of Kyiv began training on crisis intervention. The "Activities of Crisis Interventionists" training takes place in Warsaw with the assistance of the local Department of Education.

Colleagues from Warsaw have prepared a rich program for psychologists: theoretical and practical classes, educational visits, exchange of experience and cultural events.

After completing the training, professionals will provide psychosocial support to children with high levels of stress and trauma symptoms, will be able to identify children at risk and children with the most severe symptoms, and will refer them to psychotherapists outside the school environment.

Навчання шкільних психологів відбувається в межах проєкту «Комплексна психосоціальна підтримка педагогів та підготовка кризових інтервентів для київських шкіл під час війни». Проєкт реалізовується ГО “Words help” and specialists Center for mental health of the National Academy of Sciences with financial support Plan International.


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