Terms of implementation: May - December 2022
Partners: OeAD GmbH is the Austrian Agency for International Mobility and
cooperation in the field of education; State Service of Education Quality
Training of Ukrainian teachers in psychosocial methods of overcoming stress and strengthening
resilience to provide psychosocial support for affected schoolchildren in Ukraine
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (regional and local educational units) in close cooperation with the State Service
quality of education (DSYAO) of Ukraine and National University "Kyiv-Mohyla
academy" (NaUKMA) apply for support in deploying an already tested program
training for trainers "Safe Space - Urgent psychosocial support of students and
school teachers".
With the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine and the subsequent war, millions of Ukrainian children
were forced to leave their homes together with their families. Escape from the familiar
environment, sometimes combined with shelling and bombing, causes not only
a huge sense of danger, but also leads to traumatic and
post-traumatic stress disorders.
Educational needs
The goal of the project is to provide teachers with support in working with traumatized children. Attack of Russia
to Ukraine led to considerable suffering and the conflict of children with escape, violence and
by death. In addition to the main content load and training, teachers at present
are faced with the task of recognizing traumatized children, worry about them,
create emotionally safe classrooms or even identify trauma and send away
traumatized children to the school psychologist. The goal of the project is to satisfy existing requests
teachers and contribute to increasing the effectiveness of psychological adaptation of students.
The results:
- 2 training packages (4-day TdT and 1-day training for teachers) was adapted to
current needs of teachers and students; - 25 Trainers of the DSYAO were trained as trainers of the "Safe Space" change program for teachers;
- 2000 teachers gained knowledge about strengthening students' resilience and strengthening their
personal ability to overcome stress; - About 100 000 children in Ukraine benefited indirectly through
psychosocial support, carried out 2000 teachers, that have undergone training according to the program
«Safe Space».