Jungian serial drawing – it is a method of psychological help.
- The method is based on analytical psychology (Jungian psychoanalysis).
- Involves children's imagination and free creativity.
- Relies on secure contact, supported by an adult with a child.
Its essence is to create special conditions for the activation of natural healing mechanisms. Children work with psychologists individually in a group.
In a safe and stable environment, the child expresses his feelings through a series of drawings, relying on free creativity and an adult's directed attention to it.
A specially organized process of serial drawing helps to stabilize the child's emotional state, mastering a new situation and overcoming the trauma of dangerous events.
It is conducted in cooperation with the Center for Mental Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, Professional Association of Child Analytical Psychologists and National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".
The purpose of the project
- Establishing and strengthening adaptation mechanisms to changes and new living conditions.
- Overcoming the effects of stress.
- Prevention of the development of post-traumatic stress disorder.
What we do in this project
- We provide psychological support to children and parents.
- We teach the method of specialists – View and adapt for school teachers, social workers through practical internship experience under the guidance of experienced specialists.
- We provide constant supervisory support.
Features and benefits of the program
- Short duration - 7-12 meetings once a week 45 minutes. One psychologist is in favor 3 hours works with three children.
- Safety - the child goes at his own pace with the support of an adult.
- Cost-effectiveness - actual costs only for painting materials and the work of specialists.
- Effectiveness - the in-depth method of work involves qualitative changes.
- The combination of group and individual work gives children an additional resource for overcoming stress.
- Training takes place through direct internship under the guidance of an experienced specialist.
- Supervisory (intervisional) group work of colleagues immediately after the group contains an emotional experience and is a prevention of burnout.
Results and achievements
Project development:
2015-2021 – was taught 165 organize trainings: View and adapt for school teachers, social workers 1187 children received help
With 2020 An online version of Serial Drawing was developed and is actively being implemented.
Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion (24.02.2022) – was taught 250 organize trainings: View and adapt for school teachers, social workers, including in cooperation with the "Voices of Children" Foundation and the charity organization Caritas (Ivano-Frankivsk) 1500 children received help.
Yuliya Hrushetska conducts research on the effectiveness of the program, its impact on resilience and prevention of PTSD development.
Research program
A pilot study shows, that after completing the program, its participants demonstrate a decrease in the level of behavioral difficulties, carelessness, problems with peers and emotional problems. On the contrary, the level of resilience of the participants increased, namely optimism, purposefulness, extraversion.
The history of the project
affected by the emergency situation in Ukraine 2014-2015 Oksana Zaleska created an adapted version of Serial Drawing for use in emergency situations, namely wars. The method has shown its effectiveness and, at the same time, a high level of safety when applied during crisis events (first groups 2014-2015 with immigrants from the Crimea in the village of Letki).
An adapted version of Serial Drawing:
- Creates space for intense expression of feelings.
- Creates safe conditions for mastering emotions and symbolizing experienced events.
- Combines group and individual work.
- Provides an opportunity for children to conceptualize their experience through an art opening at the end of the support process (7-12 sessions).
- Provides support to psychologists, which is the prevention of emotional burnout under extreme stress.
The historical roots of creating an adapted version of the serial drawing method:
Jung's approach K.G. to dreams, not as separate phenomena, and as for history, which weaves around the complex – a significant affectively charged theme/symbol/archetype. And if we consider a series of dreams, we see the main conflict, or internal theme, an important task, or the leading symbol with which a person works. Jung also pioneered the amplification method in working with the material of dreams and drawings. Interpretation is aimed at synthesis and search for a leading and integrating symbol.
Allan J. – proposed to apply a serial approach in the consideration of drawings. And suggested to consider the drawings as a story telling. In a modern way – storytelling, but in pictures. In Ukrainian you can say drawn stories or sketch.
The holding concept of Winnicott D.V. which in a nutshell can be described as an ensemble of an adult's attention to a child and his condition and the ability to withstand complex and sometimes difficult emotional experiences and remain stable and confident. The concept of containment by Bion U. complements the holding, and describes the mental process of processing emotional experience and its deep understanding.
The concept of "free dreaminess" by Ogden M. is part of the process of containment and reflects the process of searching for meanings and meanings of emotional experience with the help of imagination and the ability to dream.
The concept of attachment and the importance of contact by J. Bowlby. you Newfeld G. – a very important component of a child's development, associated with the child's need for a reliable adult, thanks to which the child's sense of security and support is formed.
The idea of Eva Patis Zoya, which is implemented in the Expressive Sandwork project. The idea of working individually in a group, in order to strengthen the containing function of the group.
"The concept of a witness" and "tactful attention to the process" by E. Bik (watching babies) and Mary Whitehouse (Authentic movement) – special support approach, which is related to the ability to be around and provide space for self-expression without actively interfering in the process.
Leaders of the educational program

Oksana Zaleska
the author of the project
candidate of psychological sciences, an expert, supervisor of the Mental Health Center of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, Jungian analyst, child psychotherapist, member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAR), member of the Ukrainian group for the development of analytical psychology (UGR IAAR), member of the Professional Association of Child Analytical Psychologists (PADAP).
Works with children over 25 years, the last 8 years works with the consequences of the war. Adapted the Jungian method "Serial Drawing" for use in emergency situations for children affected by war. He is also a co-author of the psychosocial program "Safe Space" which is implemented in Ukraine in the education system 2015 year and is aimed at supporting and preventing PTSD in children.

expert on educational policy
project researcher
graduate student of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences, child psychotherapist, an expert, supervisor of the Mental Health Center of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, member of the Professional Association of Child Analytical Psychologists (PADAP), member of the Ukrainian group for the development of analytical psychology (UGR IAAR).
Works with children over 15 years. With 2014 year works to overcome the consequences of the war. Takes an active part in the research of the "Serial Drawing" method and in the implementation of the "Safe Space" method
The Center's team of psychologists, who work with children using the Serial Drawing method:

Victoria Solovyova
psychologist, Head of the Center for Mental Health of the NaUKMA Pokrovsk-Kyiv

Lyudmila Romanenko
psychologist, head of the Center for Mental Health of the NaUKMA Girske-Vorzel

Natalia Opryshko
psychologist, expert of the Mental Health Center of the National Academy of Medical Sciences

Iryna Zhadik
psychologist of the Mental Health Center of the National Academy of Medical Sciences

Eugene Demyanov
psychologist, expert of the Mental Health Center of the National Academy of Medical Sciences

Victoria Antonova
psychologist, expert of the Mental Health Center of the National Academy of Medical Sciences

Valentina Kozhushko
psychologist, expert of the Mental Health Center of the National Academy of Medical Sciences
If you want to help your child cope with difficult feelings, strengthen vitality and provide space for free creativity in a safe environment under the guidance of a specialist:
Register for support for children by calling here
If you want to learn serial drawing:
Method training program “Serial drawing” for specialists consists of a theoretical part, personal experience and practical work under the guidance and with supervisory support.
Duration of study: 4 month
Number of hours: 94
At the end of their studies, students write essays and defend their certification work.
Registration for the training of the method Serial drawing by vocation