Cooperation with BF “Caritas of Ukraine” with 2018 year.
U 2018- 2019 the project "Psychosocial support of children and
parents/guardians in the buffer zone in eastern Ukraine", where NaUKMA experts conducted
"Safe Space" trainings for psychologists and social workers.
As part of the project, the training "Basic skills of supervisory support" was also held
teachers". The group consisted of 6 seminars, who were social workers and
psychologists of the MFB "Caritas of Ukraine" in the Donetsk region. The training consisted of theoretical
blocks and practical tasks. The purpose of the training was to provide participants with knowledge about
supervision, its content, purpose, task, functions. Also familiarize with the types of supervision, their
purpose and scope of application. To form an idea about the place of supervision in
concepts of the "New Ukrainian School" and tasks, which face the future
supervisors. Determine ethical aspects of supervision and peculiarities of formation
supportive relationships with teachers and school administration. Familiarize the participants with
the main schemes of supervision and start the process of acquiring the necessary skills and abilities
U 2020 -2021 years was held:
- Training under the Program of emotional support and professional growth for 65
school teachers in 11 locations; - Training according to the methodology "Open dialogues. Facilitation of groups" for 16 teachers
- Training 12 supervisors
U 2022 year was held: - 18 basic one-day trainings for 150 school teachers
- Training psychologists in the Open Dialogues methodology
- Training of the "Safe Space" methodology for psychologists, social workers
and project coordinators