As part of the Ukrainian-Norwegian project "Interdepartmental cooperation in the field of health care" (UKR23/0016/2303 Institutional Cooperation in the Health Sector) The Mental Health Center of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" in cooperation with the Regional Center for the Prevention of Violence, trauma and suicides and Akershus University Clinic (Oslo, Norway) implement a training program regional coaches on suicide prevention (training "gatekeepers") and crisis management in communities.
The purpose of the program with crisis management - strengthening the readiness of local communities to respond in emergency situations, facilitating coordination, planning and provision of crisis support services at the local level, activation of local resources, strengthening psychological recovery skills and the general level of vitality in the community.
The purpose of the program with suicide prevention - dissemination of knowledge and practical skills on providing primary psychosocial support to persons at risk of committing suicide and self-harm, detection of warning signs, support in suicidal crisis and referral for specialist help.
The project program involves participation in a face-to-face 5-day training for coaches and practicing coaching skills under the supervision of project experts during the following 6 months (a description of the programs is given below). After successful completion of the program, participants will receive a package of training materials and international certificates of an expert trainer with the right to conduct trainings at the regional level.
Dates of trainings for suicide prevention trainers:
19-23 February and 25-29 March 2024 p.
Training dates for crisis management trainers:
01-05 April and 27-31 May 2024 p.
Candidates from all regions of Ukraine are selected to participate in the project's educational programs. Expected, that trained trainers will start conducting two-day trainings for representatives of local communities from May this year.